
"inscribe"是一个动词,其音标是: 英 [ɪn'skraɪb] 美 [ɪnˈskraɪb],意思是vt. 登记, 铭记于, 题写, 雕刻[电] 书写

v. draw within a figure so as to touch in as many places as possible

v. write, engrave, or print as a lasting record

v. address, (a work of literature) in a style less formal than a dedication



1. 书写或刻写:在物体上写或刻字。例如,在奖杯上刻上获胜者的名字。

- He inscribed his name on the wall of the ancient temple.(他在古老庙宇的墙上刻下了自己的名字。)

2. 题写或题赠:在书籍、纪念品或其他物品上写上名字、日期、格言或赠言。

- She inscribed a personal message in the book before giving it as a gift.(在把书作为礼物送出之前,她在书里题写了一条私人信息。)

3. 记录或登记:在列表、记录或登记簿上记下信息。

- The teacher inscribed the student's name in the attendance register.(老师在考勤登记簿上记下了学生的名字。)

4. 象征性地包含或描绘:在艺术作品或设计中象征性地包含或描绘某物。

- The painting inscribes a sense of calm and tranquility.(这幅画象征性地包含了宁静和平和的感觉。)
